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Data, Design, Calculations and Drawings To Be Furnished By Owner

The following data, designs, calculations and drawings together with the application for the proposed power line crossing incorporating the particulars as detailed below - all in duplicate shall be furnished by the owner to the Divisional Railway Manager (Electrical) for approval by the Electrical Inspector of the Railway.

Overhead Line Crossing

  1. Data and designs
    • Location of the proposed crossing, the name of railway stations on either side of the crossing, the distance of the crossing from the nearest railway station the painted numbers of telegraph poles and/or traction masts or structures between which the crossing is proposed to be located and the exact location in relation to such poles or masts or structures.
      Note : The alignment of the crossing should, as far as possible De at the midpoint of the span between adjacent traction masts or structures in the case of electrified tracks. (See CI. 18.1 of the Regulations).
    • Particulars of the overhead line, including voltage, frequency, number of phases, size of conductors etc. and whether the neutral is earthed or not and if earthed the type of earthing.
    • Wind pressure adopted.
    • Temperature data adopted.
    • Particulars of ice/snow loading, if any, adopted.
    • Factors of safety adopted in the designs, for conductors, structures, guard wires/ cross wires, if provided, earthwire, stay wire, insulator strings, etc.
    • Design calculations of structures and foundations for the crossing span, communication lines or guarding, if any. Note : If the structures and foundations are of standard type used for the transmission/distribution line concerned, the detailed design calculation shall be furnished.
    • Calculations leading to the minimum values under worst conditions of the following:
      • Vertical clearance between the lowest crossing conductor, communication lines and/or guarding and the different railway tracks in the crossing span.
      • Vertical clearance between the lowest crossing conductor, communication lines and/or guarding and railway's conductors of the traction system or other conductors if any.
      • Horizontal clearance to railways mast/structure/building, if any.
      • Lateral clearance to the nearest Railways mast/structure/building, if any.
        Note : full particulars of the number, size, material and characteristics of various wires and conductors shall be furnished.
    • Particulars of insulators, bridling of the conductors.
    • Details of guarding, size of guard and cross wires and their characteristics. A detailed drawing showing the guarding arrangement, if provided, shall be given.
    • Size and characteristics of guy wire, if provided, and the number of supports.
    • Details of earthing indicating the earth electrode, size of earthing connection. method of connection of the support and the method of artificial soil treatment if proposed. Details of counterpoise earthing, if contemplated, shall be furnished.
    • Details of protection against moving road vehicles.
    • Particulars of anti-climbing devices, if provided, and warning and caution notices.
    • Detailed scheme of protection for the transmission/distribution line including particulars of relays operating times etc. and particulars of circuit breakers, if any.
  2. Drawings
    • Layout and site plan of the proposed crossing indicating railways boundaries.
    • Longitudinal elevation of the crossing. The drawing shall indicate full particulars of one span on either side of the crossing span with various clearances with respect to the Railway track (s). The drawing shall show the cross section of the railway formation and tracks.
    • Drawing for warning and caution notices.
      Note :
      (i) All drawings shall be in standard sizes as prescribed in the latest edition of IS : 696-1972 "Code of practice for General Engineering Drawing"
      (ii) All drawings are to be endorsed with a certificate as given below :
      "I hereby certify that the details of the equipment provided are designed with the object of minimizing danger in the event of breakage/fault and in accordance with recognized modern Engineering practice", and signed by the owner.

Important Note
Along with a reproducible print, eight copies of the drawings showing the completed power line crossing shall be furnished to the Railways along with the "Certificate of compliance" (as per Annexure-III)