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Routine preventive maintenance (inspection) shall be done by various officers/officials at desired frequency detailed below :-

Sr. No. Item to be Checked Inspection procedure By whom to be inspected Action to be taken
80.01 D Voltage of pilot cells Voltage shall be recorded with the help of voltmeter keeping the flat charger in 'ON' position.  Jr. Elect/SSO Pilot cells should be selected in such a manner that all the cells of set are checked with in a week
80.02 D Spcertic Gr. of pilot cells Sp. gr. shall be measured with Hydrometer. -do-  
80.03 D Battery voltage Battery voltage shall be recorded for each set of battery from the corresponding charger with 'switch ON' battery position. -do-  
80.4 D Earthing in DC system Earthing shall be checked by seeing earth leakage indication on DC board  J E (M) If (+) or (-) is found earth, check the DC circuit & rectify inform AE.
80.05 D Electrolyte level Check the float level indicator. Jr. Elec. If electrolyte is below the level, top up the cell with pure distilled water by using plastic funnel.
80.06 D Float condition Float shall be checked visually for their physical conditions, including the gas releasing holes. -do- Damaged float, if any should be replaced
80.07 D Exhaust Fan It will be seen that the exhaust fans are adequate and in running condition. -do- If any of the fans is out of order, it is to be repaired/replaced if necessary.
80.08 D General cleanliness It will be seen that the battery sets, stands & in general battery room is properly clean & day. No extra material should be kept in battery room. -do-  
80.09 D Change over of battery to load in case of Automatic charger. Check by switching off AC supply of charger whether battery is transferred to load, or not. -do-
 80.10 M  Cell voltage Voltage of all the cells shall be recorded with voltmeter keeping the charger in 'ON' position and in 'FLOAT' condition not on 'BOOST' charge. JE  
80.11 M Sp. gr. Sp. gr. of all the cells shall be recorded with hydrometer. (Temperature correction should also be considered. ) -do-  
80.12 M Vent Plug Check that filling plugs are not blocked in any cell. -do-  
80.13 M Connection Check the connections for tightness & corrosion. J E Old jelly to be replaced after through cleaning.
80.14 M Leakage Check the cells for leakage of electrolyte & crack visually. -do- If cracks or leakage, replace the cell.
80.15 M Indication & fuses Check the battery chargers for healthy fuses and indications
  •  Carry out the equalising charging of battery.

  • Check the operation of DC emergency light.

  • Check and adjust the float voltage 2.16 volts per cell at 270C.

  • Check that there is no switch in the battery room which cause spark etc.

  • Clean the charger panel from inside.

80.16 Y Standardisation of hydrometer. Check the hydrometer for standardisation by comparing its reading with thereading of same cell with a new/standard hydrometer. -do-

If there is deference, replace the hydrometer.

80.17 Y Conditions of protective clothing Check the physical condition of the Apron, rubber gloves etc. -do- If damaged replace the same.
80.18 Y Condition of battery stands leads discs & rubber pad etc. Check the battery stands for physical condition of rubber pads, leads and discs required for leveling of cells. Also check the condition of paint. A E (M) Repair the stands if necessary. Replace the damaged rubber pads/lead discs & also repaint the stands with acid proof black paint if required.
80.19 Y Condition of insulation Check the physical condition of cell stand insulators by visual inspection. J E (M) Replace the damaged insulators.
80.20 Y Charger cleanliness Clean the charger from inside with vacuum cleaner to ensure complete removal of dust & webs etc. J E (M)  
80.21 Y Condition Check all the connections in the battery charger for tightness insulators etc. -do- Tight the loose connections & provided insulations where required by insulating tape.
80.22 Y Light & heaters Check the light &heaters inside the charger. -do- Replace if damaged or defective.
80.23 Y Lighting in battery room Check the light fittings of battery room. -do- Replace if damaged or defective.
80.24 Y Exhaust room Check the condition of exhaust fans. -do- Overhaul the exhaust fans and replace defective/damaged.
80.25 Y Condition of acid proof painting Check the condition of acid proof paint inside the battery room by visual inspection. -do- Repaint if required.
80.26 Y Condition of cable trenches. Check sand in cable trenches & rubber packing where cable are passing through trench corver. -do- Provide sand & rubber packing if required.
80.27 Y Charging and discharging of  battery (In consultation with)

Discharge the battery a variable resistance are acidulated water load at a constant current of 20 Amp.( for 200 AH battery ) & 30 Amp. (for 300 AH battery) the discharging shall be stopped when the close circuit voltage across the battery has fallen to 1.85 X N volts where 'N' is the number of cells. Refer ISS 1651/ISS 1652 for such results Record the results and calculate the capacity of battery. In case of devited alarming results identify the reasons.

AE (M) If the specific gravity found less adjust the sp gr. (on fully charged battery ) by putting more concentrated acid of

Off Cells in Series :

In the battery of when the voltage across any one cell has fallen to 1.70 V whichever in earlier. Recharge the battery at constant normal current of 20 Amp. (For 200 AH battery) and 30 Amp. (for 300 AH cap battery ) till the cell start gassing at a voltage of 2.35 to 2.40 volts per cell and thereafter reduce the charging current to the finishing rate of 8 Amp. (for 200 AH battery) and 12 Amp. (for 300 AH battery) and continue charging at this 1.210 ±0.005 and both remain constant for 3 consecutive hours by reading at the reference temp. of 270 C.

Note: A separate log sheet or register be maintained for recording.

  • * Load current, DC voltage and charger current hourly when battery  is under FLOAT CHARGING.
  • * Charging current and voltage hourly when battery is under BOOST CHARGING.

Trouble Shooting Cart :

Sr. No. Observations Possible Cause Remedy
1. Excessive gassing and progressive increase in sp. gr. during float charging. Setting of floating voltage high Reduce the floating voltage to a lower value and check the accuracy of the voltmeter in the charger if necessary.

Progressive lower value of sp. gr. during.

(i) Setting of floating voltage low. (i) Increase the floating voltage to 2.16 V per cell check the accuracy of the voltmeter in the charger. if necessary.
    (ii) Leakage of Electrolyte (ii) Check for leakage of electrolyte replace container if necessary.
    (iii) Grounding of current carrying conductor (iii) Check the grounding of current carrying conductor in the charge as well as in the battery circuit.
3. Battery voltage falling too rapidly on discharge. (i) Loose connections
(ii) Coroded terminals
(i) Tighten the loose connections.
(ii) Corroded parts should be cleaned with hot water and coated with jelly.
4. Continuous lowering of electrolyte level. (i) Leakage of electrolyte level
(ii) Loss of water in the electrolyte by too high floating voltage or excessive charging.
(i) Replace container immediately in case of leakage.
(ii) Adjust the floating voltage.
5. Continued low reading of or low open circuit voltage n any cell. Internal short circuit. Examine the plates for accidental contacts or missing or sheared (In consultation with firm)
6. continuous low reading of reading of any cell inspite of normal cell voltage. Sulphation. Such weak cell should be given a special charge by removing it form the battery and charging separately. when gassing point is to half the normal rate. Even if the special Charging does not improve the manufacturer should be approached and the cell should be replaced or repaired. 
7. Over flowing in cell due to increase in electrolyte level even without the addition of distilled water. Damp atmosphere in battery room causing condensation in the cell covers of spray arrestors. Improve ventilation in the battery room.
8.  No out put in the float charger. AC inputs not available (i) Check the wiring for any lose connections & any blown up fuses proceed as under.
      (a) Check the input voltage at input terminals. This should  be around 400 V. AC between any two phases in case of 3 phase charger & 220 V in case of 1 phase charger.
    (ii)  The firing pulses not available at the gate of silicon controlled rectifiers (SCRS) (b) Check the voltage at the primary of transformer. This should  be same as the AC input voltage.
9. Low output/ flickering voltage (hunting). (i) Input to the main rectifier low or in only one or two main SCRs are conducting or if any of the rectifier fuse is blown or filter bank is out of order. (i) Check SCRs if SCRs are healthy, check the fuses.
      (ii) If low output is noticed with increase in load then check the current limit circuit. The setting of potentiometer may have been disturbed and this have to be re-adjusted. Also check the filter bank.
10. High voltage Open circuit in the sensing circuit leads. (i) Check the Voltage at control board terminals.
      (ii) Check pulse generator circuit for internal shoring.

1. Daily Maintenance Register Of Lead Acid Battery Sets, Charger & Dc Board

Date Time Ambient temp    
Battery set no. Check & record the voltage of pilot cells. It should be between 2.16 to 2.2 volts per cell during trickle charging at 270C (float charger 'ON' position) Check & record of pilot cells (it should be 1.20 ± 0.005 at 270C temp. Apply correction of ± .0007 for exactly 10C charge n temp in from actual readings of cells taken at randum (readings of 9 cells per day).   Check electrolyte level of cells, it should be upto the mark indicated on float indicator, If it is below the mark add (+) required quantity of distilled water by glass/plastic funnel. Do'nt use mental funnel.
1 2 3 4 5 6   7
  No. of cells Voltage Sp. gr. Temp. of electrolyte Corrected    
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Check cells for cracks and electrolyte leakage. Carry out equalising charging i.e. Boost charge battery for 2 to 3 hours at current 2% of AH capacity. Check the DC voltage of complete battery set. It should be 118.8 V to 121 B for 110 V set and 51.8 to 52.8 V for 48 B battery set. Check the operation of DC emergency light. Check & adjust the voltage 2.15-2.20 per cell at 270 C. Check that there is no switch in the battery room causing sparks. Clean the charge panel form inside. Signature of SSO/JE/AE

Monthly Maintenance Register Of Lead Acid Battery Sets. Chargers And Dc Board__________Date_________________________ Battery set No. ________________

1 2 3 4
Cell No. Check & record the voltage of all the cells, it should be between 2.16 to 2.2 volts per cell during trickle charging at 270C (float charger 'ON' position). Check & record sp. gr. of pilot cells. It should be 121 ±0.0007 for exactly 10C change in temp. and specific gr. correction from actual readings of cells Check electrolyte level of cells, It should be upto the mark indication, on float indicator. lfiit is below the mark then add required quantity of distilled water by glass funnel, Do not use mental funnel.
5 6 7 8
Check the vent plugs of each cells for choking. If choked clean and replace. Check the connections for tightness. Apply petroleum jelly. If required.

Check all the cells for any leakage of electrolyte. If cracks are found replace the container.

Check all indication lamps and fuses of charger and DC Board replace the defective lamps and fuses.

 Signature of JE (M).

Signature of AE (M)

Yearly Maintenance :

SI. No. Point to be checked Action taken Remarks
110 Volts 48 Volts
Battery No.1 Battery No.2 Charger No.1 Charger No.2 Battery No.1 Battery No.2 Charger No.1 Charger No. 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
(1) Check the hydrometer for its standardisation.   
(2) Check the condition of protective clothing (Apron, rubber gloves etc.)  
(3) Check the battery stand if necessary get it repaired and painted with black acid proof paint, check the condition of robber  pad also replace the damaged pads.  
(4) Check the condition of the insulation replace the damaged insulation.  
(5) Clean the chargers with vacuum  cleaner.  
(6) Check all the connections of the battery chargers. Tighten the loose connections if any.  
(7) Check the lighting and heaters of charger. Replace the damaged parts. If any.  

General Checks :

  • Overhaul the exhaust fans in the battery room.
  • Check the lighting of the battery room.
  • Check the acid proof painting of the battery room.
  • Check sand in cable trenches and rubber packing where cables are passing through the trench covers.

Signature of JE (M)/AE (M)

Five Yearly Maintenance :

Date of Maintenance :
Sr. No. Details of work Action Taken Remark
110 Volts 48 Volts
Battery set No. I Battery set No. II Battery set No. I Battery set No. II

Discharge the entire cells completely & recharge. Adjust the (on fully charged battery) by putting higher concentration acid (1.400) if found less.


Signature of JE (M)/AE (M)

Signature EE (M)

NOTE : Never add acid to cells until and unless recommended by supplier.