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Maintenance Manual for OPGW

The Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd.

  • Maintenance
    • Patrolling
      Patrolling is being conducted to prevent the OPGW equipment from secondary damage and also to maintain a smooth operation of the equipment by detecting an abnormality in the equipment in its early stage, which is general survey based on the visual inspection of external appearance.
      Contents of practice, a method and cycle are correspondingly being executed to the existing overhead ground wire as a basic line, and some new items have been supplemented along with the addition of the function as a fiber optic transmission line.

Table-1 shows the added details being conducted currently as a standard procedure.

Sr. No. Patrolling Place Cycle Method Note
  Clamp region Same as existing ground wires (Approx. 1 year 1 time) Visual inspection of external appearance with the naked eye or binocular
  • See if there is any remarkable bent in OPGW
  • See if OPGW vibrating
  Jumper region
  Wiring region Same as above Same as above
  • See if all cleats are in positing
  Inserting region of fiber optic joint box
  Span region Same as above Same as above
  • See if there is any core broken in OPGW
  • See if a sag of OPGW is normal
  • See if a OPGW is vibrating
  • See if all dampers and twist prevention weights are in position

Table-1 : Details of the patrol as to OPGW  and its belongings

  • Inspection
    Inspection is being conducted to detect a lowering of function due to a long term use, etc. in overhead ground wires and fiber optic transmission lines, and to prevent the possible occurrence of an abnormality in the equipment, which is a quality inspection by means of a visual check with inspection tools, etc. Details of Inspection and method and cycle are as follows.
      • Inspection of OPGW and belongings
        The inspection is being conducted correspondingly to the existing over head ground wire as a basic line, and some new items have been added.

    Table-2 shows added details of the inspection being practiced currently as a standard.

    Sr. No. Place to be Inspected Cycle Method Note

    Clamp region

    Jumper region

    Same as existing ground wires (Approx. 1year 1 time) Visual inspection of external appearance with the naked eye or binocular
    • If the rust gathered on bolts, etc.
    • If there is any unusual abrasion on the moving part of hanging clamp.
    • How is the status of OPGW in regard with corrosion
    • If OPGW secures the allowable bending radius
    Measurement of tightening torque with a torque wrench
    • All clamps bolts
    2. Wiring region Same as above Same as above
    • If the fixed space by cleat is appropriate
    • If OPGW is in contact with tower
    Measurement of tightening torque with a torque wrench
    • All Cleats bolts
    3. Inserting region of fiber optic joint box Same as above Same as above
    • If OPGW is slipping at clamp portion
    4. Span region Same as existing ground wires (Approx. 1year 1 time) Visual inspection of external appearance with the naked eye or binocular
    • If there are arc marks on the OPGW
    • How is the state of corrosion on the OPGW
    • If all dampers and twist prevention weights are in place normally
    • How is the state of corrosion on those
    5. Inside the fiber optic joint box (when an abnormality occurred in fiber optic transmission system, the door is opened very rarely) Every time when the door opened Visual inspection of external appearance with the naked eye or binocular
    • If moisture penetration or dew condensation is observable
    • If rust or corrosion is observable
    • Any abnormality in the arrangement of housing tray and optical fiber installation into it
    • If those is any bolt coming loose or missing

    Table-2 : Details of the inspection of OPGW and its belongings

    • Inspection of  fiber optic transmission system
      The inspection of fiber optic transmission lines is being conducted for the same purpose as above OPGW and belongings to seize the state of deterioration of transmission lines.M

Table-3 shows details of the inspection being conducted as a standard procedure.

Sr. No. Place to be Inspected Cycle Method Note
  • Fiber optic transmission line (check the unused cores out of the fiber enclosed)
Once in a three years period for instant
  • Measurement of transmission loss between light receiving level and terminal station with a power meter
  • Measurement of a loss in connection with a part due to OTDR, and local loss increase in the line
  • How is the situation of light receiving level against the planned values
  • How is the situation of transmission loss against the planned values.
    Also if there is a change due to again

Table-3 : Details of inspection on the fiber optic transmission system