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Permissible Pension on Tme to Time

Permissible pension on time to time

Pension amount
Period Minimum (Rs.) Maximum (Rs.)
1.4.61 to 31.3.65 2250 per year 6750 per year
1.4.65 to 31.3.75 2420 per year 7200 per year
1.4.75 to 31.3.79 3750 per year 12,000 per year
1.4.79 to31.12.85 -- 1500 per month
1.1.86 to31.3.90 -- 4500 per month
1.4.90 to31.12.95 375 per month 4500 per month
1.1.96 to onwards 1275 per month 50 per cent of maximum  salary

Permissible family pension on time to time

No Effective date Monthly salary limit of employee (in Rs) Monthly rate of family pension Board order/Govt. order No and date.
Per centage of basic salary Minimum in Rs Maximum in Rs
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
  1 Rates applicable from 1.4.65 Rs 800 and above 12 ----- 150 Board order no. 1394-A / RVP 344 A / 1963 dated 14.2.68, read with GO No
G-2-769 / Ten-917-61 dated 24.8.66
Rs 200 and above but less than Rs 800 15 Rs 60 Rs96
Less than Rs 200 30 Rs 25 --
2 Rates modified from 1.4.78 Less than Rs 400 30 Rs 60 Rs 100 Board order  no. 8227 – G-RVP-
One-102 A / 78 dated 5.10.78 read with GO no. Sa-3-Ten-900-78 dated 10.5.78
More than
Rs 400 but less than Rs 1200
15 Rs 100 Rs 160
More than Rs 1200 12 Rs 160 Rs 250
3 Rates modified from 1.7.79 Salary less than Rs 1500 15 Rs 100 Rs 200 GO No. 3-1563 / Ten-921-81 dated 3.11.81
Rs 1500 and above 12 Rs 200 Rs 300
4 Modified  rates from 1.1.86 Up to Rs 1500 30 Rs 375 (from 1.4.90) -- Board order no. -2937 W.C./RVP (O.S. nineteen) / 87-14 (23) F/85 dated 9.11.87 read with GO no
1168 / Ten-935-87 dated 22.6.87
Above Rs 1500 but less than Rs  3000 20 Rs 450 --
    Above Rs 3000 15 Rs 600 Rs 1250
5 Modified rate from 1.1.96 No salary limit 30 Rs 1275
30 per cent of maximum salary Board order no.-1080-Pension-31-RVP / 98 -60P / 98 dated 26.8.98 read with GO no. Sa-3.11720 -Ten-308/97 dated 23.12.97