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In connection with payment of lifetime dues, balance amount

In connection with payment of lifetime dues, balance amount to the nominee in case of death of a pensioner.
Letter No.: 1304- P.&.R.-28 / PCL/2001-49P/ 89   Dated: May 14, 2001

All General Managers/ Chief General Manager
Chief Engineer (Hydro-Electric)
U.P. Power Corporation Limited.

Dear Sir,
In order to remove the difficulties, obstacles and delays in receipt and payment of lifetime due payments in the aftermath of the death of pensioners after their retirement from the services of the formerly U.P. Power State Electricity Board and currently Power Corporation, there is an arrangement available by which pensioner officers/employees can declare their valid nominee in the attached revised pension form enclosed with the Board  No. 893-Pension-31 / RVP / 89-46P / 89 dated June 21, 1991 , adopting the Government Order  No.Sa-3-1713 / Ten-89-933-89, dated July 28, 1989. This is mentioned in column/serial number 8 (in the pension form part-1) that has to be filled by the retiring employee / officer. In this manner the nominee thus declared becomes lawfully eligible to receive the lifetime dues and balance payment upon the death of the pensioner. In such cases, in order to obtain the payment of the remaining dues of the deceased pensioner, there is no provision to ask for succession certificate and protection certificate from the nominee in pension related orders and rules. On the death of the pensioner, all the remaining dues in his lifetime should be paid to the concerned nominee.
I am directed to say that Electricity Pensioners Council has brought it to my knowledge that after the death of pensioner, the nominee (who is also a legal nominee and also his legal wife and also a pensioner) is forced to produce the succession certificate and protection certificate by the regional level pension issuing officers, for payment of life time dues of the employee and by withholding the outstanding life time dues of late pensioner, the nominee (deceased pensioner's  wife/ family pensioners) are being harassed. The Corporation has taken serious note of this, and I am directed to clarify that "after the death of pensioner his remaining life time dues should be paid to his nominee, nominated by the pensioner and in such cases nominee should not be asked to produce succession certificate and protection certificates about her children."
I am also been directed to say that all regional officers, including the authorities issuing pension payment orders, ensure compliance with the above instructions strictly.

  Yours faithfully
  R.C. Gupta
  General Manager

Submission of pension cases, disposal and avoiding delay in pension related matters of U.P. Power Corporation Limited

Rules– 2001

Number: 135 Rule-23 / PCL-2005-5 Rules / 9

Dated: 20th July, 2001



UP Electricity Reforms Act, 1999, read with the provisions of sub-section 10 of section 6 of the UP Power Reforms Transfer Scheme, 2000 and using the power therein, under provisions of Uttar Pradesh Pension Cases (submission, disposal and avoiding delay) Rule-1995 including the necessary changes, UP Power Corporation Limited makes the following regulations: -

1. Brief name and introduction

These rules will be known as U.P. Power Corporation Limited, Submission of Pension Cases, Disposal and Abstinence of Delay Rules-2001.

2. This will be come into force with immediate effect.

3. Definitions: - Unless there is no adverse effect on the subject or context, it means thus:-

(a) "Chief Nodal Officer" means the General Manager III, atthe Corporation Headquarters.

(b) "Delay means duration longer than the schedule."

(c) "Forwarding Officer" means such person who may be empowered by UP Power Corporation Limited to work in this form from time to time."

(d) "Power Corporation" means U.P. Power Corporation Limited.

(e) "Chairman" means the Chairman and Managing Director of UP Power Corporation Limited from time to time.

(f) "Head of Department" means the person specified by Power Corporation Limited in this form from time to time.

(g) "Head of Office" means the person specified by Power Corporation Limited in this form from time to time.


h) "Nodal Officer" means Deputy General Manager (Attached) with Deputy Chief Accounts Officer pension, Chief Engineer (Hydel) at the Corporation headquarters; and Deputy Chief General Manager (Headquarters) attached with Chief General Manager/manager at the distribution, commercial, transmission district regional unit level.

(i) "Pension" means pension as defined in Section-41 of the Civil Service Regulation."

(j) "Pension sanctioning authority" means the person empowered for it by Power Corporation Limited from time to time.

(k) "Time Schedule" means the time mentioned in column-3 of the schedule of the column-2 about time.

Overriding effect:-

This manual will be effective even if it is contrary to any other rules / orders.

Time schedule and the process of implementation of allied subjects:

(1) The Nodal Officer/ Chief Nodal Officer can ascertain the follow-up

(a) on the complaint of pension recipient / pension recipient organization.

(b) on settlement of pension cases.

(2) Whenever the Nodal Officer, Chief Nodal Officer gets to know about delay in any case, he would expect that all relevant information regarding the reasons for delay are submitted to him by the Head of the department / Head of the office and after such investigations that he deems fit, he will find the person responsible for the delay and send a proposal to the concerned disciplinary authority for disciplinary action against him. Nodal Officer / Chief Nodal Officer will monitor the matter till the disciplinary proceedings are completed and will record such proceedings. Nodal Officer will inform the Chief Nodal Officer regarding result of such disciplinary action.

(3) A person who fails to give the information required to the Nodal Officer / Chief Nodal Officer in relation to the retirement of an employee or any other matter related to it, or is responsible for this delay, will be guilty of malpractice and will be punishable under the applicable punitive rules.

(4) Thoroughly completed pension papers with relevant documents will be sent to pension sanctioning authority in specified time schedule.

(5) Chief Nodal Officer / Nodal Officer and pension sanctioning authority will ensure the settlement of pension cases within the scheduled time.

(6) The Pension sanctioning authority will organize a regular monthly meeting of such officers / officials or allow such meeting to be organized who deal with such cases and take appropriate steps for inspection and disposal of such cases.

(7) The General Manager or Deputy General Manager of related administrative section of U.P. Power Corporation will supervise performance of head of department and head of office in all pension related cases and will ensure disposal of cases as per schedule.

By order of Board of Directors

Enclosure - Time Schedule