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Regarding the dealing with retired officers

Regarding the dealing with retired officers / employees of the formerly State Electricity Board and the current Power Corporation

Date May 14, 2001

Letter no.-1305-P and R-28 / PCL / 2001 49P / 89

All General Managers / Chief General Managers

Chief Engineer (Hydel),

UP Power Corporation Limited

It has been brought to the notice of the Corporation by Electricity Pensioners Parishad, that whenever the retired officers/employees of the formerly State Electricity Board and the current Corporation, and members of the families of deceased officers and employees, visit the Corporation officers and concerned employees at the regional level to get information regarding their retirement benefits, they are not given any such information and they are not even treated in a civilized manner. The Corporation has taken it very seriously. I am directed to draw your attention towards Rule 3 general (2) of 'Government Staff Conduct Rules-1956', the text of which is given below for ready reference:-

"Every government employee will behave at all times in accordance with specific or amplified Government Orders that regulate behavior and conduct."

In order to behave in a satisfactory manner with retired or retiring employees and to give them respect and honour on humanitarian grounds, the formerly U.P. State Electricity Board has already issued orders by its Circular No 138-Pension-31 / RVP / 89, dated 28 April, 1989. While re-enclosing the copy of this order, I have been directed to say that you must ensure from officers and employees under you that their behavior and conduct should be such that is not unsuitable for employees/officers of the Corporation. While dealing with retired officers/employees and family members of those officers/employees who died during service, they should maintain such a standard of behaviour and conduct that is befitting a civilized citizen and does not cause tarnish the image of themselves or the Corporation.

I am directed again to say that you should ensure compliance of the above directions of the Corporation with all the officials / staff with commitment and apprise of the latest position regarding their grievances and solve their problems at the earliest.

  Yours faithfully,
  R.C. Gupta
  General Manager