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Simplification of Present System for Removing ..

Simplification of present system for removing the possible delays in the payment of the amount of superannuation pension, retirement gratuity by Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation / Power Generation Corporation Limited.

Dated 14 May 2001

Letter No: 1347-P & R-22 / PCL / 2001-49P/89

All General Managers/ Chief General Manager

Chief Engineer (Hydro Electric)

UP Power Corporation Limited

Dear Sir,

I am directed to draw your attention that in accordance with the aforesaid Board / Government orders, on the above mentioned subject, issued in accordance with the Board Order 623-Pension-31 / RAVIP / 97-49P / 89, dated 21 May, 1997 under the effective orders of the Board, it is clearly directed from the Board that to remove the delay in the payment of retirement gratuity and pension, Head of the Department / Head of Office and the Pension sanctioning officer must comply with the 24-months time table. It is clear that in the 24 months before the date of retirement of the employee, it is mandatory to start process of preparation of employee pension forms in every situation.

1. Board order No. 8223-G / RVP-A-102 A / 78 dated 5.11.1978, read along with Government Order No.-Sa-3-2085 / Ten-907/76, dated 13.12.1977,

2. Board order No.-893-Pension-31 / RVP-46P / 89D dated 21.6.1991, read along with Government Order No. Sa-3-1713 / Ten-89- 933/89, dated 28.7.1989.

1. In the first 16 months period, calculation of qualifying service, examination of service records and completion etc for preparing the pension related papers.

2. In the next 8 months:-

(a) The actual work of pension related papers in the first 6 months,

(b) Issuing orders for payment of pension / gratuity by the end of next month, and

(c) The final payment order of pension / gratuity to be given to retired employee on the first date of the last month of the service.

To follow the above-mentioned 24-month time table to prepare pension forms of the retiring employee, what the office heads/ competent officers have to do is given below:

1. During the first 16 months office heads/competent officer have to do the following:

(a) It is necessary to complete service book of the employee/ in case service book is lost it should be made again on the basis of employee's pay bill/register.

(b) In the service book of the employee, it is necessary to complete and make corrections in case of any error, in his date of birth, interruption between two service periods, leave, leave account service verification, salary fixation, suspension etc.

(c) It is compulsory to get complete information about the outstanding dues against the employee / of the corporation and it is also compulsory to ensure full recovery from the employee before retirement.

(d) If the employee has charge of the store, it is mandatory to relieve him from the charge of store 16 months before the date of his retirement and during those 16 months and they must be asked to settle the liabilities related to stores. It must be ensured 8 months before the employee's retirement.

(e) All information must be collected regarding advance taken for house construction/purchase and to purchase motor/scooter and its recovery and it must be collected 8 months before the retirement of the employee.

(f) If the Board/Corporation suffered financial losses due to misconduct of the employee and he has been charge sheeted before the date of his retirement, in that case the inquiry should be completed two months before the date of the employee's retirement.

(g) In cases of serious misconduct like withdrawal of funds from the Board / Corporation by the employee, action according to the Section 351-A Civil Service Regulations should be initiated against him, but such proceeding cannot be initiated in relation to any such incident which took place four month before the investigation.

2. In the next 8 months duration.

(a) The calculation of employee's qualifying service, calculation of average benefits and correcting any lapse / deficiency in the service record, which should be completed in 8 months before the retirement of the employee.

(b) Assessment of qualifying service and average benefits and the process for the applicable pension and gratuity should be completed within two months in every condition.

(c) Pension related papers should be submitted / sent to pension sanctioning officer at least6 months of the retirement of the employee.

(c-1) The payment order of pension/gratuity should be done by the end of next one month.

(c-2) The pension gratuity orders should be given on the first date of the last month of service of the employee before retirement. In addition to the above mentioned proceedings, Board Order No 623-Pension-31 / RVP / 97-49 / 89 dated May 21, 1997, in the clause -5 (2), there is also an order that the employee should be provided three copies of pension forms 8 months before the superannuation and get them back after duly filled by the employees in the first month of this 8-month duration during his service period. A copy of the standard form was sent to you along with the Board order that employee gets the information about completion of formalities of his pension, retirement, gratuity etc and he could also be made aware of these. But the Electricity Pensioners Council has informed the Corporation that the directions given by the Board order No 623-Pension-31 / RVP / 97-49P / 89 dated May 21, 1997, are not being followed by regional officers and this is causing delay in disposal of cases of retirement benefits of employees/officers. The Corporation has taken serious note of it. And I am directed to say that you should ensure that the respective competent officers / employees are given notice of their superannuation as per Board order issued with standard form. In case the retirement notice is issued in regular form other than standard form and this causes delay in sanction of pension, gratuity of the concerned officer/employee, then the issuing officer will be held responsible for it. A copy of the standard form of retirement notice is being enclosed again for easy reference.

  Yours faithfully (signature)
  General Manager