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Uttar Pradesh State Electricity Board (Number: 623-Pension-31 / RVP-97-49 P / 89)

Uttar Pradesh State Electricity Board (Number: 623-Pension-31 / RVP-97-49 P / 89)

Uttar Pradesh State Electricity Board
Shakti Bhawan, 14 Ashok Marg, Lucknow

No.: 623-Pension-31 / RVP-97-49 P / 89 Dated 21 May 1997

All the Chief Engineers (Level -1 / 2)
All General Managers,
Chairman Electricity Service Commission,
Chairman Inquiry Committee,
Uttar Pradesh State Electricity Board
Subject: Simplification of existing procedure to avoid possible delay in payment of superannuation pension, retirement gratuity and aggregate amount
Dear Sir,
It has been brought to the notice of the Board that on account of pending departmental / judicial / administrative / proceedings against the employees of the Board, the dues of the Board against them are not fully recovered before their retirement, and because of their confidential character roll being incomplete, the payment of their superannuation pension, retirement gratuity and aggregate amount is delayed. Whereas vide Board Order No. 8228-G / RVP-One / 102-A / 78, dated 5.11.78, adopting the Government Order No. Sa-3-2085 / Ten-907/76, dated 13.12.1977, and the Board Order No. 893-Pension-31 / RVP -46 P / 89, dated 21.6.1991 adopting the Government Order No.-3/1713 / Ten-89- 933/89 dated 28.7.89, the Government has issued detailed orders to bring about wide reforms/changes to dispose matters causing delay in payment of superannuation pension, retirement gratuity and aggregate amount of employees before their retirement. The Board has adopted it and has been implementing it on their employees with the necessary changes. Therefore, I am directed to request you to ensure a comprehensive and intensive study of the above orders of the government and ensure its compliance and speedy disposal of pending pension cases.
I am also directed to say that the Article 470, has been removed with immediate effect from Civil Service Regulations (CSR) by Government Order No. Sa-3-424/10-933/89 dated 12 February, 1996, and the Board has through its circular No -882-Pension-31 / RVP / 96-06P / 96 dated 18.6.96 has adopted the above-mentioned Government Order to apply it on their employees. Therefore, in relation to deduction of superannuation pension, there is no need to take into consideration the employee's confidential character book to examine whether his service was satisfactory. If under any circumstances there is need to make deduction from their pension, appropriate action should be taken CSA Article 351-A.
For the necessary procedure in order to authority and payment of pension/gratuity/aggregate at the time of an employee's superannuation, the examination of the employee's service book for preparation of pension related papers for the period of first 16 months in the 24-monthly time table, for the period of two years, verification of full service in the service book, examination of medical certificate for leave with full pay, absence because of civil unrest, and extraordinary leave for higher technical scientific studies, authorized absence/ unauthorized absence, examination of service record to remove the obstacles/gaps, all work should be completed at least eight months before the date of retirement.
In the period of eight months prior to the date of retirement, in the duration of six months the actual work of preparation of pension papers, calculation of eligible service of the employee, completion of pending departmental/judicial/Tribunal inquiry should be completed so as to be completed two months prior to the date of retirement. And the orders for payment of employee's pension/gratuity/aggregate should be issued one month before the date of retirement.
The meaning of recovery of all outstanding dues against employee is as follows:-
1. Recovery of rental / penal rent of residential houses of Board.
2. Full recovery with interest of long term advances like house purchase with land / construction / repair and vehicle purchase advance.
3. Full recovery of excess payouts in salary allowances and leave encashment.
4. Required disciplinary judicial/Tribunal inquiry/proceedings should be completed before making full recovery of financial loss caused to the Board on account of serious misconduct/embezzlement and the recovery should be made only after the charge is proved.
5. The complete recovery of all other advances should be made only after completing all departmental formalities for any other reason.
Therefore, you are requested to take action to ensure that all the necessary actions are required to be completed within the stipulated time on the following points before the retirement date of the employee's superannuation:-
1. From the eight-month service period before the date of retirement of the employee at the age of superannuation:
(a) For the preparation of his pension papers in his first six-month service period, his
1. Calculation of qualifying service: -
2. The calculation of average benefits and against it-
3. The calculation of all dues of the Board and recovery of whatever is due
4. Completion of whatever departmental judicial / administrative inquiry and all action on the proceedings should be completed at least two months before the date of his retirement.
(b) Payment order of his pension / gratuity /aggregation to be issued till the end of his next seventh month's service.
(c ) His pension / gratuity / payment orders are to be given on the first date of the last 8th month of service.
(2) Along with the notice of his retirement, the employee should be given three copies of pension forms and these should be filled up and obtained in the first month of the eight months service period before the date of his retirement.
(3) The employees should pay all the dues in Board account before his remaining 8 months service.
4. If the employee is living in the Board's house, then he should vacate this house immediately after the retirement and pay all the dues on it to the Board.
5. Copy of the standard form of "Notice of Retirement" to maintain consistency in the language of retirement notice is attached with this circular for the convenience of all Regional officers.

Enclosure: As above.

  Yours faithfully,
  Juggi Lal
  Additional Secretary (III)