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U.P. Government Finance (General) Section-3 (Number: Sa-1253 / IS-935-75, Lucknow)

Uttar Pradesh Government Finance (General) Section-3 (Number: Sa-1253 / IS-935-75, Lucknow)

No.S-3-1253 / ten-935-75, Lucknow Dated 16 September 1981

Notification Miscellaneous

Using the power under the provision of Article 309 of the Constitution, the Governor , Uttar Pradesh makes following rules in view of revising the Uttar Pradesh Retirement Benefit Rules, 1961:
Uttar Pradesh Retirement Benefits (fifth amendment) Rules, 1981.
(1) This will be known as Uttar Pradesh Retirement Benefits (fifth amendment) Rules 1981.
(2) In Uttar Pradesh Retirement Benefits rules 1961, after the Rule 11, the following new Rule12 will be added:
(1.2)  If a person, who, is in government service and is entitled to receive retirement benefits and family pension after his death, but is involved in murder of government employee or abetment in such crime, in that case his claim of his gratuity and the claim of his eligible family member / family members get the family pension, will remain suspended till the end of the proceedings.
1. (1) If at the end of the proceedings specified in sub-rule (1) above, the concerned person-
(b) is convicted for murder or involvement  in murder of government employee or abetment in the crime, he will be debarred from receiving his contribution / and family pension which will be payable to other member of family, if any.
(b) is acquitted of charges of his involvement  in murder of government employee or abetment, the share of his contribution or /and family pension will be payable to him.
2. Family pension under the above clause (a) and (b) will be payable from the date of death of the Government employee.
(3) The clauses of the above sub-rules (1) and (2) shall also be applicable on such retirement benefits that are not disposed after the death of an employee and also on the death of a government employee after retirement and family pension.

By order
Rajkumar Dar

Comment: The UP Retirement Benefit Rules, 1961, issued under notification No. G-2-794 / Ten-917-1961, dated March 29, 1962 with amendments made till 31 August, 1968 were published. The following amendments were made later:

  • (1) Notification No. -G-2875 / Ten-927-1958, Dated March 31, 1970
  • (2) Notification No.-G-2-2173 / Ten-917-1964, Dated September 29, 1975
  • (3) Notification No.- G-3-1477-76 / Ten-52-74, Dated June 5, 1976
  • (4) Notification No.- G-3-1200 / Ten-935-75, Dated June 20, 1979