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Duties of Controller (control)

Prior approval from the controller is necessary if any work is to be done in power houses, grid sub-stations and grid lines. At place where there is no controller, such approval will be given by the assistant engineer, under whose area that power house or line is situated. For executing the task if switch related or earth related action is required, only controller or assistant engineer will issue the orders as per situation. Such activities should perform under their direct supervision. At the end of the process, the deputed person will reported to the controller that the task has been done successfully. The controller will direct him to release the work permit after that.

Before disconnecting the equipment from the circuit for maintenance, changing parts or adding them, all proper arrangement should be done as early as possible and controlling officer should totally satisfy himself in this regard. The report should be submitted about the work and the procedure being followed according to which the work has been performed along with the request for removing the equipment from circuit. When work is be complicated, then description should be completed by one or more drawings, if necessary.