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Overhead Transmission Lines Crossing of Railway Tracks

(As per regulations for Electrical crossing of Railway Tracks 1987)


Wherever railway crossings are involved in the route alignment of transmission lines no work should be commenced on crossing locations unless specific approval is obtained in writing from Railway authorities. For this purpose, data, designs and drawings showing all details related with crossing are to be submitted in duplicate to . the Railway authorities as per details given in the enclosed Annexure-I. On receipt of approval from the railways, an agreement is required to be executed in the standard prescribed form as per Annexure-II before commencing any work on the crossing.

Requirements of Overhead Line Railway Crossing

  • Angle of Crossing
    The overhead line crossing shall normally be at right angle to the railway track. In special case a deviation up to 30° may be permitted by the Railway authorities.
  • Location of Tower
    Only "C" type tower on either side of the Railway track are permitted to be used. The towers are to be located at minimum required distance from centre of the nearest railway track shall not be less than the actual height of the tower in Meters above normal ground level plus 6 Meters.
  • Crossing Span
    The railway crossing span shall be restricted to 300 meters or 80% of the normal span for which the structures are designed, whichever is less.
  • Type of Insulation
    A double tension insulator string shall be used in crossing span in conjunction with a yoke plate where necessary. Each tension insulator string shall have one insulator more than the no. of units used in normal over head lines. The F.O.S. of each string of insulators under the worst conditions shall not be less than 2.
  • Foundation of Railway Crossing Tower
    Foundation of Railway crossing towers should be in accordance with water table and soil encountered at these locations. The classification of foundations for such towers should be done cautiously keeping in view safety considerations.
  • Earthing
    • Each tower on either side of railway crossing span shall be earthed effectively by two separate and distinct earthing and connections. At least one separate earth electrode shall be provided for each earth connection.
    • Where the earth resistance of the independent tower is higher than 10 ohms, the counterpoise earthing shall be provided as per requirement of Railways. The method of earthing the towers for crossing span shall also be approved by the Railways.
  • Joints in Crossing Span
    No joints in conductors or earthwire (s) shall be permitted, in crossing span.
  • Anti-Climbing Devices and Warning Notices
    The supporting structures on railways land shall be provided with anti climbing devices. Besides, suitable caution/warning notices shall be erected on all such structures in such languages as may be prescribed for the purpose. The anti climbing devices and the caution/warning notices shall be approved by the Railway.
  • No Interference with Railway Communication Lines
    The crossing shall in no way interfere with or endanger railway communication lines and approval given by the Railways to the placing of any crossing shall not be construed to compromise or reduce in any way the requirements of Indian Posts & Telegraphs Department for the protection of communication lines.
  • Factor of Safety
    The factor of safety of all structures, conductors, guards and ground wires used in the crossing shell be as stipulated in the Indian Electricity Rules 1956 (as amended in November 1984) and the relevant code of practice.

Minimum Clearance Between the Overhead Line & Railway Track & Railway Structures etc.

  • Clearances Over the Track

    (i) Minimum height above rail level of the lowest portion of any conductor of a crossing, including guard wire, under, conditions of maximum sag shall be as follows:

S. No. Voltages Broad, Meter & Narrow gauges
1. up to and including 11 kV Normally by Cable
2. Above 11 kV & up to 66kV 14.10 Meters
3. Above 66 kV & up to 132 kV 14.60 Meters
4. Above 132 kV & up to 220 kV 15.40 Meters
5. Above 220 kV & 400 kV 17.90 Meters

(ii) No overhead line crossing shall be located over a booster transformer, traction switching station, traction Substation or a track cabin location in an electrified area. structures, the height above the rail level of the highest high tension line shall be taken into account for calculating the clearances.

  • Clearances From The Traction Mast or Structure
    The distance between any of the crossing conductors and the nearest traction mast or structure under the most adverse conditions shall not be less than 5 meters.
  • Minimum Vertical Clearance Between Power Line Crossings
    The minimum vertical clearances to be maintained between any of the Railways power line crossings at the same or at different voltages shall be as specified in Rule 37 of the Indian Electricity Rules 1956 (As amended up to November 1984).
  • 4. Minimum Clearance Between Highest Traction Conductor And Lowest Crossing Conductor
    Minimum clearances between the highest traction conductor and the lowest crossing conductor shall be maintained, as per details given in the following table :

Table 9-II

Voltage Broad, meter Narrow gauge (in Meters)
up to & including 33-kV 4.44
Above 33 kV & up to and including 66 kV 4.44
Above 66 kV and up to 110 kV 4.75
For 110 kV and 132 kV 5.05
For 220 kV 6.58
For 400 kV 9.71

Railway Block and Charges etc.

Once the site has been inspected by Railway Electrical Inspector and approval accorded by Railway authorities, necessary charges for Railway Block and other service charges, if any, may be deposited with Railways. The stringing of Railway crossing section is to be planned in advance as soon as stringing of line is commenced. The date and time for stringing the Railway crossing section shall have to be fixed well in advance with Railway authorities concerned to obtain Railway Block as mutually agreed. Presence of railway staff and railway inspector shall also has to be ensured while carrying out stringing in crossing span from safety considerations.

Aproval Before Bringing Crossing Into Use

The approval to energies and to bring the crossing into use shall have to be obtained from Railway authorities by intimating them at least 15 days in advance. A certificate of completeness is required to be submitted to Railways as per Annexure-III for this purpose, clearly intimating them that the works of overhead Railway crossing has been done in full compliance with Railway Regulations and in conformity with designs and drawings approved by the Railway authorities.

Sr. No. Subject View
ANNEXURE -(I) Data, Design, Calculations and Drawings to be Furnished By Owner View
ANNEXURE - (II) Agreement for Erecting and Maintaining an Overhead Power Line Crossing Over and Across Railway Tracks View
ANNEXURE - (III) Certificate of Compliance View