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Pension process and disposal

The retirement of the employees of the former UP State Electricity Board is controlled by UP State Electricity Board (Employees Retirement) Regulation 1975 as amended, and is permissible under U.P. Retirement-Benefits (Rules) 1961 and New Family Pension Scheme 1965, and as per the provisions adopted by the Board, later Corporation, from time to time.

For the payment of the pension benefit to the employee concerned on the day of retirement, the actual process as per rules should be started two years before the date of retirement. Under this process, as soon as the retirement notice is issued, necessary action should be taken on highest priority basis for quick and effective disposal and the employee concerned should also submit the required forms, records and complete other formalities promptly so that the required forms, letter etc. can be sent to the competent authority for the acceptance of pension etc. The details of the required process, with simple and suggested disposal, are as follows:

Pre-retirement notice

Arrangement has been made as per Board's order No. 195 pension-31 (RVP) / 93 / A (461) P/89 dated January 21, 1993, that the Board's employees are notified before the date of their retirement, a copy of the pension forms should be made available to them with the notice so that the desired form can be submitted by them before retirement. But, in practical terms, there is a reference to the submission of No-Dues in the notice but there is no clear mention of the prescribed form and other desired information and records etc. Therefore, in the above perspective, a format of notice / information to be given before the date of retirement is given in B.O. Number 623-Pension-31 / RVP-97/41 P / 89 dated 21.05.1997 with which copies of the desired pension form should also be given to the concerned employees and to ensure advance action.


  • In connection with G.P.F.
  • Six months prior to the retirement, entries about the employee's last contribution should be made in the employee's GPF form or GPF passbook, and details about the contribution/transaction after the last GPF form up to the last contribution, and the same should be sent on the prescribed form – prescribed form "A" in case of Gazetted matters (from page no. 18 to 19), and in matter of all others on the prescribed form "B" (from page no. 20 to 21), for final withdrawal, in triplicate, with the examination letter (page no. 17) to find out the latest position, to the concerned Accounts Officer (GPF) within one month. It should be ensured that payment of the due amount of the employee can be made to the employee's account on the date of his retirement. Employees must ensure that two years prior to their retirement, they should inquire about their GPF account, and ensure that entries are made in it about contribution/advance etc, and stop the contribution six months prior to their retirement, and apply for last withdrawal of GPF in the prescribed form A/B, and be aware about the progress made in this regard so that payment can be made on the retirement date.
  • Mli
  • In case of claims of the deceased, Form-C and G-1 (page no. 29 to 34) will be filled.

Preparation of Pension Forms:

In order to submit pension forms and desired information and details in time, pension forms etc. can be prepared in two different sets as follows: For convenience, these are marked in case of retirement as (RI) and (RII) and in case of family pension etc. as (DI) and (DII):

(A) In the case of retirement of employee, pension / retirement gratuity and pension encashment, required documents to be submitted by the employee (RI) (page no. 10 to 16).

(B) In case of family pension / death gratuity, the family pension application should be submitted by the applicant, with required form, letter etc. (DI) (page no. 23 to 28).

(C) Required form or record etc. to be prepared by concerned division /office (RII) and (DII) (page number 36 to 47)

Note: As a result of delay in payment of gratuity, interest will be applicable after three months at the same rate as in case of deposit amount in General GPF (Currently 9.5% annually) as applicable from time to time. (BO No. 996-Pension-31 / RVP/ 98-81P / 31/95 dated 30.06.98).

Checking service book:

The completion of the service book in fixing the pension is an important factor. Therefore, for complete and detailed examination of the service book of employee, and for correct calculation of the earned leave, "Scrutiny of Service Book and Details of Leave Availed" (from page no 44 to 46) are attached with the pension form (RII) to be prepared by the concerned division / office. Submitting entries from the service book in this format by filling page number in service book will ensure in facilitating that all necessary entries are in the service book and are certified. Keep a format along with the copy of the pension forms of division or concerned office in your record. Before payment of salary fixation and other earned leave, the service book should be reviewed by the concerned accounts officer. For instructions regarding issuing certificates to employees for qualifying services at the end of the financial year, compliance of order no BO. No. 1431-Pension-31 / RVP/ 95/21 / P / 95 dated 17.7.95. is necessary.

  • 3.1 Details of Service:
    For Gazetted level employees (even if they have been at non-Gazetted level earlier) a format is prescribed to present their previous service records, in which they can, in ascending order, must present their complete postings and durations, so that this can be sent with last withdrawal of GPF and pension forms. They must mention their identity number and audit number on each form. (Page no. 47).

Service eligible for Pension

(A) Service from the date of joining up date to retirement/death is considered as service qualifying for pension. Service before completing the age of 20 will not be eligible for pension. All working days (Duty) and all paid leave, whether on full pay or half pay, will qualify for pension. Leave without pay is not qualified for pension except for these three conditions:

1. On the basis of medical certificate issued by the competent medical authority.

2. His inability to come on duty or return to duty because of civil unrest.

3. In pursuit of high technical and scientific studies.

The period of suspension is not eligible for pension. But, if there is no special entry in the service book, the period of suspension will be counted in the qualifying service. The disruption in service is not eligible for pension, but if there is no mention in the service record, then the service rendered to the Board will be treated as qualifying, except when there is information that the disruption in service is due to resignation, dismissal, removal from service, or participation in any strike.

(C) The full qualifying service will be converted into blocks of six months, and while calculating such blocks, a period of three months or more will be considered as a six-monthly period. For example, pensionable service of 29 years and 9 months will be considered 30 years or 60 six-monthly blocks.

Fixing of Superannuation date/ date of birth:

As per Board's order No. 2325 (1) Pension / 31 / RVP/ 95 dated 31.10.95, any overwriting, cutting or use of fraudulent means in changing the date of birth, and therefore fixing the date of superannuation by introducing doubt, unnecessary problems, application for correction etc have been taken seriously. It has been made clear that as per orders issued by the Board from time to time, it is prohibited to make changes in the date of birth mentioned in their service book at the time of their primary appointment, and also prohibited to keep employees in service after they attain the age of superannuation. It has been made clear that disciplinary action would be taken against the officers / employees found guilty of such irregularities.

Special precautions relating to recording date of birth

  • The proof of date of birth will have to be submitted by the employee at the time of selection or the time decided by the appointing officer.
  • If at the beginning of service of the Board, the employee has passed High School or equivalent examination, then the the proof of his date of birth can be taken from his High School Certificate or equivalent examination certificate. If he has not passed any High School or equivalent examination, but is educated in any educational institution, then the school leaving certificate will be accepted as date of birth.
  • In other circumstances, the birth certificate issued by the municipal corporation / municipality/ notified area / town area / Panchayat will be accepted as certificate of date of birth.
  • If no such record is available, the date of birth date will be ascertained as follows:
  • If the year of birth of the applicant is known but the date and month are not known, then July 1 will be deemed to be his date of birth.
  • If the year and month of birth are known but the date is not known, then in that case the 16th of the known month would be accepted as date of birth.
  • If the date of birth cannot be ascertained according to any provision given above, then the date of birth would be decided on the certificate given by the chief medical officer or the doctor authorised by the Board.
  • The certificate on the basis of which date of birth is mentioned in the service book, the basis / evidence should also be mentioned against it, and the certified copy of the same should be pasted in the service book.
  • Date of birth should be recorded in service book clearly in both figures and words.

Note: The date of birth recorded in the service book is valid for the date of superannuation, premature-retirement and retirement benefits. There should be no change/cutting in the date of birth once recorded in the employees' service book, because any such change in date of birth by overwriting, cutting or use of fraudulent means is completely illegal and invalid. Therefore, the employees should be retired at the age of their superannuation on the basis of date of birth recorded in their service book at the time of joining the service for the first time.

Calculation of remuneration for retirement benefit/ permissible dues:

  • (A) Pension
    According to the pay-scale of the UP State Electricity Board revised from 1.1.1996, pension will be 50 per cent of the basic pay (average remuneration) of last ten months of service prior to retirement, provided the employee has completed 33 years of service eligible for pension. If the qualifying service period is less, then pension amount will be reduced in the same ratio. While calculating the average pay, if the actual amount received is less than what would have been received in the last ten months prior to retirement, and if that period is to be added to the duration of qualifying service, then the full pay to be added for this period will be that, which the employee would have received if he was not on leave or during suspension.
Pension = Average remuneration X eligible service period (66 six-monthly blocks) Minimum: Rs 1275.00
  2 X 66 Maximum: 50 % of the maximum pay scale
  • (B) Family pension:
    Family pension would be 30% on the basis of the last drawn basic salary.
  • (C) Superannuation gratuity and death gratuity:-
    For retirement and death gratuity, the emoluments drawn by the last drawn basic salary and the dearness allowance on it will be considered the drawn remuneration, and will be calculated accordingly. The maximum limit is Rs 3.50 lakh (Rupees three lakh and fifty thousand) from 1.1.96.

Retirement gratuity = Emoluments X qualifying service period (maximum 66 six-monthly blocks) /divided by 4.

Emoluments = last drawn basic pay + permissible dearness allowance.


  • In case of retirement, three sets of forms (RI) along with the pre-retirement notice, to by submitted; and in case of the death of the employee during service, the applicant of family pension must submit forms (DI) in three sets.
  • In case of such employees whose pension etc is to be decided at the level of the Corporation or the Chief Engineer (Hydel) level, such as Gazetted level employees, junior engineer, accounts cadre, headquarters cadre etc, should fill four sets of above mention forms so that additional set can be sent for pension approval.
  • If the concern employee wants to keep a copy of above mentioned documents, he should prepare an additional set of documents.
  • The necessary directions for filling up pension forms are attached for convenience with (RI) and (DI).
  • In the case of retirement, (RI) and (RII) should be sent to the office of the competent officers / accounts officers before the date of retirement in all cases, and the pension payment/approval order with payment terms and conditions etc (such as form 2) as per final dues certificate should be obtained, so that the concerned employee can get pension from the next month after retirement.
  • In case of death of the employee (DI) and (DI) form and desired records should be sent to accounts officer/competent authority on top priority so that family pension can be paid from the next month (within one month).
  • As per B.O. No. 1863-Pension-31 / RVP / 92 dated October 19, 1992, if pension / family pension payments of retired employee/ dependents of deceased employees are not sanctioned within one month, except for special circumstances, an adverse entry would be made in character roll of the concerned officer.
  • Provisional pension / gratuity:
    According to the procedure mentioned in B.O. No. 853-Pensions-31 / RVP / 461 (P) / 89 dated 21.6.1991 read with Government Order no. 3/1713 / ten / 89-933 / 89 dated 28.7.89 from the Para 7 and 8 and clause 919 (1) of C.S.R. as per the prescribed procedure, it is mandatory to sanction the provisional pension / provisional family pension by the head of the office. The above approval should be made in the following conditions:
    • If the desired forms etc are sent before retirement in prescribed period and if one does not receive pension and gratuity authorization letter before retirement, then the head of the office will approve 100% provisional pension as per pre-determined procedure. Retirement gratuity shall be determined and after withholding up to 10 per cent of the gratuity for undefined dues and for the adjustment of partial gratuity, the payment of the rest shall be made on provisional basis on the retirement day and the pension sanctioning officer should be informed along with the pension form and amended final dues form-2 and copy of the approved office order.

      As per B.O. No. 1375-Pension-31 / RVP-124/461 (P-89) dated 25.07.1994, the approval of the provisional retirement gratuity / provisional death gratuity should be done by the office head only after ensuring that there are no dues against the retired / deceased personnel, there are no departmental / judicial proceedings or inquiry by the administrative tribunals are not pending against him/ his family has vacated official/Corporation residential accommodation and paid all the dues.


1. The head of the office, as per above, will dispose the matters of provisional pension and provisional retirement gratuity of Board employees except those Board employees whose retirement benefits are disposed from the Corporation level.

2 A. If any inquiry is going on or pending by departmental / judicial proceeding / administrative tribunal against any employee on the date of retirement or such inquiry is to be instituted after retirement, then his pension will not be approved. But as per arrangement made vide B.O. No. 520-Pension-31 / RVP / 95 dated 09/02/95 read with C.S.R. Section 351 / A- (a) and 919-A (1) as amended, until the end of inquiry by departmental / judicial proceedings / administrative tribunals and issuing of final order by the competent authority, provisional pension equal to the maximum pension will be sanctioned from the date of retirement, which will be calculated on the basis of qualifying service and average emoluments till the date of the retirement of concerned employee or if till the date he suspended. Retirement gratuity cannot be provisionally sanctioned. Payment of gratuity will be finalized only on final decision on the specified action.

The final decision on the required action to adjust the provisional pension approved in this manner will be taken against the final retirement benefits. But if the final pension amount is less than the provisional pension, or if the pension is withheld either permanently or for a specified period, then no recovery will be made.


(a) It is clear from B.O. no. 1386-Pension-31 / RVP / 96-68-P / 96 dated 09/03/97 that in the case of death of any employee, departmental / judicial proceedings / pending investigations, he cannot present his views after death, and one-sided action / investigation cannot be justified from the point of law, therefore vide Government Order no. 3-1713 / 10.89.933 / 89 dated 28.07.1989, under clause (5) -2 (b) (5), such departmental / judicial proceeding against the deceased employee will be considered automatically concluded on the date of his death.

(b) In case of the death of a suspended employee before the end of disciplinary or judicial proceeding instituted against him, in all cases, the period between the date of suspension and the date of his death, will be deemed to be period of working and his family will be given full pay and allowance adjusting the allowance already payable for the said period for which he (deceased employee) would be entitled as not suspended.

(c) Provisional family pension/ provisional death gratuity: Under the B.O. no. 893 Dated June 21, 1991 integrating the Government Order issued by the Finance Department No. Sa-3-1667 / ten-931-87 dated 09.06.1987, if any employee dies during his service period, his family member entitled for family pension has to submit application with enclosure -1 (page No 26) along with death certificate. After receiving these papers the head of office / drawing and distribution officer will satisfy themselves with originality of documents and subsequently, there is provision of beginning 90 per cent of the family pension generally calculated as per rules as per enclosure-2 (page No. 49 to 50) along with dearness allowance. This should be paid in all cases on the 1st of the month after the death (pay day). For the approval of provisional family pension (the remaining 10 per cent family pension) the required pension documents are to be sent to pension sanctioning officer/ Deputy Chief Accounts Officer within a month for approval and adjustment of provisional pension. The provisional family pension will be drawn till the authority letter of last family pension is received from the competent pension officer / Deputy Chief Accounts Officer.

After withholding the provisional death gratuity usually estimating to one month's salary of deceased employee related to the calculated death gratuity or Rs. 3000 / - whichever is less, the payment of the balance amount will be made to the eligible members of family of the deceased in the form of provisional death gratuity as per prescribed rules and as per eligibility mentioned in B.O. No. 1375 dated 25/07/1994 will be done only after the desirability mentioned by the office head.

Note: It has been made clear in B.O. No. 1707-Pension-31 / RVP / 95 dated 13/10/1995 that under the prevailing Government/Board order, the head of office shall approve the payment of dearness relief applicable on the date of retirement / death while accepting the last pension / provisional family pension, and dearness relief should also be allowed in conjunction with and after the increase in the rate of dearness relief, also with the provisional pension / provisional family pension and it should be ensured that there is regular payment of dearness relief in the future.

Application for pension encashment

Although, under the current simplification of the pension process forms, encashment of a maximum of 40 percent of retirement pension (from 1.1.1996) is applied in the "Integrated Pension Form" Part-I (without medical examination), but in the absence of the mention of the purpose, use, estimated expenditure etc. such information is sought from the level of pension approving officer, this delays the acceptance of the respective amount and the funds received.

Therefore, to avoid unnecessary delays, it is advised that along with sanctioning encashment in the Integrated Pension Form-1 (Part-1), the application form for encashment of pension (page no. 12) in the B.O. No.3997-J / RVP-K-1-102 A / 1978 dated 10/12/80, should be submitted in three copies along with required information, certificates and a photo of the applicant pasted on it and along with other pension forms of retirement, should be sent to the concerned competent officer for necessary approval to avoid any inconvenience.

The calculation of the amount to be available after encashment of per Rupee of the pension amount will be made as per the following table:

Age on next Birthday Product for encashment Age on next Birthday Product for encashment Age on next Birthday Product for encashment
40 15.87 56 11.42 72 6.30
41 15.64 57 11.10 73 6.01
42 15.40 58 10.78 74 5.72
43 15.15 59 10.46 75 5.44
44 14.90 60 10.13 76 5.17
45 14.64 61 9.81 77 4.90
46 14.37 62 9.48 78 4.65
47 14.10 63 9.15 79 4.40
48 13.82 64 8.82 80 4.17
49 13.54 65 8.50 81 3.94
50 13.25 66 8.17 82 3.72
51 12.95 67 7.85 83 3.52
52 12.66 68 7.53 84 3.32
53 12.35 69 7.22 85 3.13
54 12.05 70 6.91    
55 11.73 71 6.60    

The aggregate amount will be 12 times of the amount calculated as per the above product.

The pension amount = pension X part applied for X coefficient X 12 (the part applied for can be maximum up to 40% of the pension.)

  • To obtain the no-dues certificates for all types of payments to retired personnel, action is to be taken as per the B.O. No. 882-Pension-31 / RVP / 96 dated 18/06/96 read with CSR Section 922 (1). If the employee continues to live in the Corporation/Nigam accommodation at the time of retirement and even afterwards as an illegal occupant, then as per B.O. No. 1254-Pension-31/ RVP-96-43 (P) /96 dated 23/09/96, with CSR section 351A, the action to stop or seize or reduce his pension can be taken after taking approval from Corporation. Under section 351B of C.S.R., Corporation / Nigam has right to recover from the pension of employee who has caused financial loss/ serious financial irregularities during his service tenure.

    In order to get the retirement benefit on time, to avoid other difficulties, one should try to avail no dues certificate two years prior to the date of retirement, and also obtain no-dues certificate from all places of his posting.

  • If an employee dies before submitting formal application form for pension after retirement, in such cases, Government Order No. Sa-2-36831 / 10-924-1955 dated 18.11.59 the sanctioning officer can fill his formal application for the pension of the deceased employee.
  • As per B.O. No. 2330 (1) Pension-31 / RVP / 95 dated 31.10.95, extension of service, re-appointment or appointment on daily wages of any employee after attaining the superannuation age, is prohibited. There is a clear order to take action against employees found guilty on this count. However, if any employee remains in service after the age of superannuation by mistake, then the natural benefits should be sanctioned on the basis of the average salary of ten months prior to the actual date of superannuation and on the basis of service rendered till date.
  • In the case of both husband and wife being in Board's service and the death of both during service period, BO. No. 1763-Pension-32 / RVP/93-101 (P) / 93 dated 30/09/1973 (as amended) and read in accordance under the referred Government Order and implied conditions, provides that the children of the deceased employees are entitled to two pensions and dearness allowance.