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Uttar Pradesh State Electricity Board (No. Sa-3-1220 / IS-905/81) (Annexure-2)

Uttar Pradesh State Electricity Board (No. Sa-3-1220 / IS-905/81) (Annexure-2)
Uttar Pradesh State Electricity Board
Shakti Bhawan, 14 Ashok Marg, Lucknow
Number: Sa-3-1220 / Ten-905/81 dated                        September 16, 1981

Mr. Rajkumar Dar
Uttar Pradesh Government.

All Heads of Departments and Chief
Office heads, Uttar Pradesh

Subject: The family member who is involved in murder of Government employee or involved in abetment will be debarred from getting family pension.
Dear Sir,
I have been directed to say that vide the Government Order no G-2-769 / Ten-916/61 dated 24 August 1966, a new pension scheme, 1965, was implemented for state employees and has been modified from time to time. Under the said scheme, after the death of the government employee in the specified time or after retirement, the family pension is permissible to the widow / widower, minor child / daughter at the prescribed rates.
2. It has been pointed out to the Government that there are some cases where the death of a government employee / pensioner is due to his murder and behind that crime, the person eligible for family pension is the suspect. In such case, it is asked whether the said person should be paid family pension under the new Family Pension Scheme. In this issue, detailed instructions have been given by the Governor in the following order:
If a person is eligible for family pension under the said scheme during service period or death of government employee after retirement, and is accused of murder of government employee or in abetment of the same, then the claim for family pension by that member, for which there are claims by other members also, will remain suspended till the end of criminal proceedings instituted against him.
(2)  If at the end of above criminal proceeding against the concerned person:
(a) is convicted for murder of government employee or for abetment, that person will be debarred from family pension, and it will be payable to the other eligible member of the family, in order of eligibility. 
(b) is acquitted of the charges of government employee's murder or abetment, then the family pension will be payable to him from the date of death of government employee.
(3) This order will be effective from the date of Government Order.
(4) Under the Uttar Pradesh Liberalised Pension Rules 1961 and Uttar Pradesh Retirement Benefit Rules 1961, similar arrangements are being made separately in case of death and retirement benefits and in connection with family pension.
(5) Please accept the receipt of this Government order.