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General instructions regarding starting and ending the work

  • The persons as mentioned above are authorized to observe the progress of work on cold, partially hot and hot devices. They should satisfy themselves before start of the work and wherever possible, they should perform by themselves those switch related and earthing related activities according to set rules to insured safety of the staff. They are themselves responsible for the correct execution of these activities. At end of the work, but before bringing the device to its normal state, they should totally satisfy themselves that work has been done satisfactorily and all persons and tools have been removed.
  • When the work is to be done on dead (cold) device, it should be done only after the deputed employee gets permission letter from the officer responsible for execution of the task and cooling of the device. Similarly, Electric flow should not start on that device which has been cooled down without receiving properly filled permission letter by the officer and he must satisfy that the device is totally rectified and equipment is ready to become live (hot).
  • Each and every step regarding making device devoid of electricity and giving electricity to it, should be carefully noted down by the controller and the employee who is executing the task.