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To cool down the equipment and 'earth' it

Work permit

When some task has to be performed for which switch related and earth related work is to be done, then the employee who has to perform task should also give one request letter according to prescribed work permit form (item 1) to the employee responsible for switch related activities, in the work permit letter. Then that employee will do necessary switch related activities either having approval from the controller or the senior officer, or under his supervision. When he completes the task and earthen the device, then he will fill the work permit. Only after totally satisfying that device is secure for employees to work on it, he will sign the work permit and the worker who has to perform the task will sign the declaration that he is totally satisfied that device is dead (cold). All work permit forms will be prepared with a second carbon copy. The original copy will be given to the employee who is doing the work and the second copy will be kept by the issuing employee. When a device is to be dead (cool) through telephone by controller or officer of the same rank, the employee who has to perform the task will fill two copy of emergency work permit (attachment 3). He will also fill details of orders along with date and time in logbook.

Working of more than one crew groups on a device

When two or more gangs (teams), crew groups or departments decide to work on same device, each of them should give individual application.

Preparations before taking shutdown

Except in emergency cases, in all other activities, when it is necessary to stop power supply, it is must to make proper arrangements by giving seven-day notice to the consumers. The notice regarding this should be sent to power houses, grid lines and to the controller in case of sub-stations, for record and approval.

Opening and locking of switches

When a device has been made non-live, all switches whose connections have broken should be tagged. In these tags, it should be mentioned, which work has been done, for which the circuit has been removed, and other necessary information. For each gang, crew or department, a tag should be put for which the electric connection has been removed. As long as man is working on the circuits control by these switches, all switches must be locked in off position or by any other method these witches must be protected so that they could not turn on accidently. Trolleys should also bring out after lowering down, whenever possible. A board with 'hazard' or 'man on the line' must be written on it, should be hung on all such switches.

To do earthing of device

The device should be earthed only in that condition when it is de-energised. The staff that is doing earthing of device should ensure himself about it. In this case, no work should be done in hurry. Earthing should be done efficiently and this should be done by joining substantial conductor between earthing system and device. For this purpose, one end of “earthing chain” which is use for earthing, should connected with permanent “earth” and second end, through operating rod fix with earthing part, In absence of operating rod, chain can be drop on earthing part, with the precaution that at the time of through it could not touch the second hand. Lines etc. should de-energise before earthing.