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Following are the general procedure and safety precautions regarding working with any device

While working on hot device

Nobody should work on hot lines or equipment except when directly authorized for it. This right is provided according to Rule 3 of Indian Electricity Act 1956. In such cases, below mentioned rules must be followed:

  • When he is working on live LT Switch Board
  • Nobody should work on live (hot) equipment until he is having support from insulating material for example rubber mat,  dry wooden stool, or support of  other non conducting material. In all such cases he can work with bare hand, but he should not use his both hands, in any condition.He should always put his one hand in the pocket, in absence of pocket, he should tie his hand by the handkerchief so that he can't use that hand. This precaution is must to ensure that person will remain isolated from ground while performing his task because in case of accident person can lose his balance and he can be bending on any side. Then he will automatically use his second hand for balancing his body and may be his second hand come in contact of any earthing object. This incident will complete the whole circuit and man will die. There are chances of another risk if his both the hands come in contact two different wires at the same time, this will make short circuit and electric will flow in his body and causes his death.
  • When he is working on L.T. (low voltage) distribution main lines in the City-
    Employees working on live (hot) lines should not start their work until they are protected by safety belt or swing. They must be ready with rubber gloves or rubber coated iron gloves, insulated pliers and insulated screwdrivers. Wooden ladder should tie well with the pole on which he has to work. The portable ladder should place in proper position before climbing on wooden ladder. One should always protect himself by falling from the ladder. The safety rubbers and insulating peripherals should be checked properly before providing them to the employees for use. Working person should stand on tower ladder and He should take proper precautions that no other body part except hands which are covered with rubber coated iron gloves, come contact of live conductor. When there is no tower ladder and he has to use wooden ladder, then he must use safety belt also and tie it’s long loop around the support the line so that he will not fall down if he touch the wire accidentally. Safety belt should be in good and workable condition.
  • Working on High Voltage (H.T.) and Extremely High Voltage (E.H.T.) lines-
    There are definite safety precautions regarding working on hot lines, when some crew is working on live high voltage lines, that precautions will be implemented in those cases. But when there is rain, fog or unfavorable weather, no work should be done on hot lines and peripherals.

Working on partially live (hot) devices-

Work on an equipment which is partially hot because of high voltage should be done by a person whose designation not below then superintendent and having minimum 5 years experience in subordinate electric and mechanical service (S.E. and M.E.S.).
No work should be done on partially hot device from high voltage in absence of appointed person for observing progress of the work. He should always be present at workplace till the work has been completed to ensure that the person on work should stay at only cold portion of the device. He should not leave the workplace if any person is still present there.

But in following circumstances above mentioned rules are not applicable on partially live (hot) structures-

  • Up to 11000 volt (11 KV) voltage, after opening hand operated three combinations switches (T.P.M.O.), working on cold part of the device
  • Changing of fuses
    In these cases, person executing this task will be personally responsible for cooling down the part of the device on which he is working by operating the switch.