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Standard Form of Retirement Notice

Standard Form of retirement notice

Letter No……………….

Office Memorandum

As per and as amended Uttar Pradesh State Electricity Board (Retirement of Employees) Rules-1975, Rule-2 (A) read with Board Order No. 5008-G.M./RVP-GM-10 (25) H/1975 dated 25 September 1975 adopting Government Order No. G-2-956/Ten-534/19/1975 dated 22 May 1975, the below named Board employee is permitted to be retired on the completion of the age of his superannuation on the last date of the month of his superannuation that is on the date mentioned below column-4 against his name:

Board employee's Name/Post/Date of Birth Superannuation Age Date of completing superannuation Last date of the month in which the date of superannuation falls
1 2 3 4

It is hereby ordered that: -

1. In the service period of eight months prior to the age of superannuation in the service of the Board of the above mentioned Board employee:-
(a) In the first six months of service, for the preparation of his pension papers, (1) the computation of qualifying service (2) the calculation of average perquisites against him and (3) recovery of whatever comes out as due against him, (4) completion of disciplinary / judicial tribunal inquiry should be completed in every condition with top priority for the preparation of pension papers. This should be completed two months before the date of retirement of the employee.
(b) His pension / gratuity / payment orders should be issued by the end of his next seventh month's service period.
(c)  The final payment order of his pension / gratuity amount should be given on the first date of his next and last eight month's service.
(d) The last payment order of his pension / gratuity amount should be given on the first date of his next and last eight month service.
2. The concerned Board employee should be given three copies of pension papers along with retirement notice, these should be filled and obtained in the first month of eight months of service prior to the date of his retirement.
3. The concerned Board employee should pay all Board dues in Board account 8 months prior to his retirement date.
4. If the employee is staying in Board's house, he should vacate it immediately after the retirement and should pay all related dues to the Board.

Appointing Officer


Date of reference:

Copy forwarded to the following for information and necessary action:-

    • Chief Engineer / General Manager
    • Superintendent Engineer
    • Deputy Chief Accounts Officer (BSA) / (GPF),
      U.P.S.E.B, Shakti Bhawan, Extension Section, Lucknow
    • Deputy Chief Accounts Officer.
    • Personal Assistant / Superintending Engineer
    • Concerned Board members.
    • Other relevant officers as required.

Signature of authorised officer and name/ post